Clavell-Bate & Nephew - Sowerby Bridge


01422 833331

Tower Hill Dental Practice
2 Tower Hill
Sowerby Bridge
West Yorkshire


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Reviews (1)

Apalling service - refused emergency work

May 1, 2018
They refused emergency dental work which is required after the crown which they mounted on pins failed. Claiming I missed two apointments for dental hygeine so now they can refuse dental treatment. Apalled at the response from the reception staff who where extremely arrogant and clearly took some pleasure from my predicament. Don't bother with this company unless you are well off and do not work for a living, because they think you can drop everthing for a hygenists appointment they themselves made. Disgusted at their elitist attitude. No doubt if I was prepared and asking them for the full makeover which they make such a huge deal about they would have been only too happy to oblige.
L Worthington