Healthwatch Kirklees have scoped the issues for migrant communities by visiting different organisations and speaking to service users and professionals who work with these communities.

General Practitioners (GP)

Why are we covering this issue?

Healthwatch Calderdale acknowledge that similar issues are arising in our area and need to be examined further.

A key issue in this area is access to GP services for Syrian refugees.

What is the impact?

There are approximately 50 individuals on the Home Office Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement programme in Calderdale. Their vulnerability criteria include; women and girls at risk; survivors of violence and/or torture; refugees with legal and/or physical protection needs; refugees with medical needs or disabilities; and children and adolescents at risk.


Access to healthcare for Syrian refugees in Calderdale – What did we learn?

Click the download button on the right to read the final report…


Click the download button on the right to read peoples experiences of services in Calderdale: Overlooking a patient’s communication needs led to delays in treatment…


Click the download button on the right to read peoples experiences of services in Calderdale:
The unfamiliar NHS health system felt uncaring and confusing…


Click the download button on the right to read peoples experiences of services in Calderdale:
Poor communication increased a dental patients fear and pain…


Click the download button on the right to read peoples experiences of services in Calderdale:
Language barriers could have led to child neglect allegations…


Click the download button on the right to read peoples experiences of services in Calderdale:
Lack of an interpreter led to repeated visits to the GP and medication being taken incorrectly…

Response to the report from Calderdale Local Medical Committee

Click the download button on the right to read the response…

Response to the report from Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust

Click the download button on the right to read the response…

Response to the report from Calderdale CCG

Click the download button on the right to read the response…

Response to the report from Calderdale and Kirklees Local Dental Committee

Click the download button on the right to read the response…

Response to the report from Dental Commissioning Manager for W Yorkshire

Click the download button on the right to read the response…

March 2019 – Health Literacy and Safeguarding Workshop

Click the download button on the right to read about the event and what was discussed…

Access to healthcare for Syrian refugees in Calderdale – What did we learn? Download File (pdf 911.45 KB)