TRAINING: SEXUAL ORIENTATION MONITORING: Everything you wanted to know about sexual orientation monitoring but were too afraid to ask

June 14, 2016

This 3 hour training session follows on from work done by the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Foundation It is being delivered by the Brunswick Centre, a HIV charity working across Calderdale and Kirklees and is funded by Calderdale CCG.

Who the training is for:  any organisation, voluntary/statutory delivering services and who monitor or want to monitor the 9 protected characteristics of; age, disability, gender reassignment, marital/civil partnership status, race, religion and belief, sex, and sexual orientation. We particularly welcome services where there are health inequalities amongst lesbian, gay and bisexual people e.g. mental health, smoking, homelessness, alcohol/substance misuse and sexual health.

Aim:  to equip staff and organisations with increased understanding, confidence, skills and knowledge when monitoring sexual orientation.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the importance of monitoring in relation to service delivery/experience/satisfaction and the Equalities Act 2010
  • Understand the particular importance of confidentiality and anonymity for lgb’s
  • Reassure people about confidentiality and how the data will be used
  • Overcome barriers to asking about sexual orientation
  • Challenge discriminatory responses
  • Become familiar and confident with LGB language
  • Understand the role of monitoring sexual orientation in reducing lesbian, gay and bisexual health inequalities


DATES:  14th June 10-1, 19th July, 23rd August, 13th September @ Voluntary Action Calderdale, Halifax,

This training is free until September 2016 to organisations working in the Calderdale area.

“Whether to disclose or not is a personal decision, and people always have the right to keep that information private.  The imperative is not on the individual to disclose but on the organisation to encourage that disclosure – through creating an inclusive atmosphere and through showing how sexual orientation monitoring has led to better outcomes.”  Paul Martin OBE, The Lesbian and Gay Foundation

“Sexual orientation monitoring is not the aim – the aim is equality for all and monitoring is merely one of the tools we can use to provide the assurance that we are on the path to achieving this.”  Adrian Barowdale, 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Training can also be provided in house.  To book and/or for further enquiries contact Becky Wakefield on 01484 469691 or email

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